#PIGSMUSTDIEt for being #Zersetzung Nazis

Because of the never ending lifetime harassment by the Police State of America, and no assistance from ANY social services agency or human rights organization, it leaves me with no choice but to usher in this eras version of the “10 plagues” on ALL C(ult)O(f)P(ig)s in North America. ie. the C(riminal)I(diots)A(SSociation), F(eeble)B(rain)I(nstitute), N(o)S(pecial)A(ptitudes), (L)ICE, SISCees (Security Inteligence Services du Canada), R(epugnant)C(riminal)M(urderous)P(igs) and ALL community police services. And if Organized Grime; who has also been involved in this harassment; doesn’t BACK OFF, they’ll be next on the list.

In the name of the Lord, with help from my guardian angels (including Michael) I wish for the “obliteration” of ALL police forces in North America. 2 Kings 2:24, Roms. 12:19 (Vengeance is mine says the Lord, I will repay) Ecc.3:8

Why #CONservatismMUSTdie (compilation of previous tweets)

1) I suspect this tweet [curse on CONs] is why; going to break; CBS played: I thought you saw The Good In Everyone #Sloan (own CD) https://mobile.twitter.com/surferjoe13/status/905035956310466560
3:45 AM – 13 Sep 2017
2)there is NO redeeming quality with CONservatives. 3 of their ideals have merit, but are based on false premises. Guns lessen dictatorships
3) Hitler had gun control, but the bully psycho CONS want guns to “kill”! The CON #snowflakes “flash” their guns to make them look tough!
4) frugal govts are a good thing, but if it didn’t cost the CONs a penny in taxes, they wouldn’t even care what govt wasted
5) which is why the CONs are against #climatechange cause the proposed solution costs them money! The real culprit is #weathermodifuckators
6)And the #delusional CONs believe in a #FALSE religion based on the infiltrator Apostle Paul Antichrist ~ J.Daugherty #CONservatismMUSTdie!
4:10 AM – 13 Sep 2017

2)Here we go! Whadiditellya I wish death upon every CON b4 its too late 2Kings 2:24 Roms12:19 Theyr equally culpable
Zero Tolerance: David Clarke Has ‘No Problem’ Using Deadly Force Against Looters in Disasters
4:37 AM · Sep 10, 2017
With Arpaio set free, and the #ReichWing petitioning the WH 2label #Antifa a terrorist group in mid Sept., it WILL BE 1984 for ANY dissident
4:21 AM · Sep 10, 2017

WH adviser Stephen Miller accuses reporter of exhibiting “cosmopolitan bias” in exchange over immigration planhttps://mobile.twitter.com/CBSNews/status/892836909180911618

3)you have to go for the “throat” with these #ReichWing #pSYCKos They’re a product of parental abuse. Their hurt = hate; virtually incurable
4) the other side of the “abuse coin” is CONservative #snowflakes that won’t question abusive authority… or Xtian dogma #subservient
5)another factor in this “parental abuse”, is low self esteem; that’s why they go with middle initials and full names eg. Donnie J.erk Trump
6)and their love of money, so they can indulge in conspicuous consumption #Avarice the root of all (most) evil. Caused mainly by CON. Xtians
7) another contributor in this, is Org. Crime; that has been beat down by militant CON. bullies and/or strict Catholic parental beatings
8) militant CONs need to be removed from society (James Hardt clinic) prevented from positions of authority, and(as well as FIFOs) no kids
9)all you need to do is watch at (link: http://krlich.com) krlich.com to see the pack mentality, gang stalking bullies in action! CONs are bully breeders
10)whether its psychopath bullies like Donnie Trump who enjoy torture,or sociopaths like Ricky Syrett who support sleep dep.on Khadr #guiltyj

#PIGSMUSTDIEt for abuse of Perry Dunlop

Bombshell Officer Perry Dunlop tried to expose the pedophile ring in Cornwall by bringing forth video evidence that was passed on to him from a victim. The cops (excuse me #PIGS) destroyed the evidence, claiming it was not child porn but regular porn they destroyed. Then they went after Dunlop and retired judge Conservative MPP Gary Guzzo who stood up daily during question period and demanded his “tough on crime” govt investigate or he was “going to name names”. But heres the kicker: the #PIGS didnt come up with the excuse for why they destroyed the evidence when the heat was on them, but TEN YEARS LATER! EEther theyre masochistic pigs or theyre pathological liars! And i think we know the answer here #slimyPIGS cause why else would some one wait for 10 years to come up with a plausable lie.. i mean excuse #guiltyasNOTcharged Conclusion: if the “system” would be cullpable in covering up what some people(George sNoory) would consider the worst crime, and then have the audacity to roast upstanding members of the community(cop Dunlop, judge Guzzo) then what hope is there for the rest of us that try to challenge the system for charter rights. #GoodLuck #PIGSMUSTDIEt

This is what i call S.T.o.P. (Strategic Targeting of Persons)

http://tinyurl.com/StrategicTargetingofPersons It encompasses ALL potential events that can cause frustration. From “wrongful dismisals” and health problems, to minor things like products listed on sale that aren’t available; and my artificial plant on my deck inexplicably losing leaves – including ones attached by wire! Woodpeckers?(or would that be ‘metal peckers‘) Squirrels with hacksaws? S.T.o.P.ers